• Preface
  • System Requirements & Installation Guide
  • Introduction
  • Root Console (Main Menu)
  • Game System
  • Battle System
  • Orchids (Characters)
  • Contact & FAQ
  • Known Issues
  • Battle System

    Method System

    How to Perform Methods

    The Methods can be performed by inputting commands and then pressing the Command button. Hitting the Rumble button repeatedly does the trick as well. A list of your Orchid's Methods and their commands is available on either the right or left side of the battle screen. Methods are not performed if you fail to input the correct command or your Method gauge is not enough for the Method you want to perform. The Methods performable are shown aglow in the list while the unavailable ones are dark. The following is a quick rundown of the Method types.

    "Trash Wipeout"

    A strategically important Method every Orchid can perform. You can perform it on the condition that there is a unit of four Enemy blocks or more of the same color, and you have one Method gauge or more filled, and then you press the Shot button and the Command button at the same time (or press the Command button without inputting any commands beforehand). When successful, your Method gauge restores depending on how many Enemy blocks were killed.

    Burst Type

    The Burst-type Methods kill Enemy/Hindrance blocks or destroy Special blocks set by the opponent player. Some of them even increase the Providence gauge for you. Methods categorized as the Burst type are Ageha's "Dread Scissors," Himeno's "Gyratory Orbiter", and Shaty's "Harvester Fruit".

    Assist Type

    The Assist-type Methods affect the Fields or the Orchids. For example, Shaty's "Almighty Tranquilizer" turns Hindrance blocks into Almighty blocks; Himeno's "Equip Capacitor" summons Special blocks capable of automatically restoring her Method gauge; Ageha's "Danger Prognosis" reduces damage to the Providence gauge for a time and sends the Hindrance blocks over to the opponent while the Method is effective.

    World Enchant

    This Method is automatically performed when the World Enchant gauge is full. Its effect varies depending on the Orchid and ends after a given time. Details on the effect are displayed and the background changes when it is performed.


    This Method can be performed when you have a certain amount of the Eliminator gauge and seven or more Method gauges filled. Eliminator makes huge changes and allows for directly attacking the Providence gauge while the effect is active.